Hmm. Actually I am a newbee of Cider, but couldnt I use "cider-jack-in-crojurescript" with Dirac?
can’t tell, I’m not familiar with cider
I see, actually I dont know Cider can be used without "com.cemerick/piggieback" or not (I cannot so far), but as you wrote its impossible to use "dirac.nrepl/middleware" with it, right?
I forked piggieback, so there would be a clash between piggieback and dirac, you cannot use them at the same time
but cider could work with dirac’s nrepl middleware, because it is piggieback plus extra stuff
Right! I will try more! I guess you have changed the ns of it, right?
I think some people are using it with cider, at least I was asked to fix some dependency issues
try lein repl-cider
Thanks! but can I understand "repl-cider" on the sample doesnt start with "binaryage/dirac"? Is it ok for using Dirac?
no, it starts dirac agent:
lein repl
uses the :repl
this is automagical behaviour of lein, by default lein task brings in :lein
Ah, I might understand 🙂
Hi, if I want to use lein repl
to start a dirac repl, should I add a :repl k/v pair to :profiles? I tried to add
{:repl-options {:port 8230
:nrepl-middleware [dirac.nrepl/middleware]
:init (do
(require 'dirac.agent)
to my project.clj, but lein repl cannot start.(But the dirac-sample project works). Did I misunderstand something? error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: do in this context, compiling:(/private/var/folders/3n/cbv5r8rd2bj_f6lpjr2ck0_r0000gn/T/form-init2130278905813355364.clj:1:7275)
the :repl
key is under :profiles
@cmal: sorry, no idea, maybe share full project.clj