
Dirac v1.7.2 is out: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/releases/tag/v1.7.2
qqq 2017-03-12T02:24:12.516438Z

@darwin: this is way out there -- have you ever managed to get an android phone running chrome to debug via dirac?


@qqq no

qqq 2017-03-12T17:42:01.217343Z

@darwin: do you do any mobile development at all? or is dirac fully desktop oriented? I just realized: I never got dirac to connect to a remote host working, the only way I have dirac working now is via ssh port forwarding, which becoems a mess to setup even if the rest of dirac devtools connects up


I don’t do mobile dev

qqq 2017-03-12T17:50:55.253812Z

this is precisely why dirac needs to be a paid product, otherwise no one besides you has any leverage 🙂


dirac is not essential, it is from the category “nice to have” tools


and it exists because I wanted it, not because other people were asking for it



qqq 2017-03-12T18:17:47.372853Z

http://imgur.com/a/6IZQL @darwin : do I need dirac for that to pretty print properly as cljs rather than sjs data, or should cljs devtools alone be sufficient ? (I clearly have formatters turned on and cljs dev tools installed)


@qqq yes, you need dirac to do that in sources view

