Documented here:
“enabling REPL evaluation in-browser on top of Figwheel’s reloading” does this mean that you use Figwheel’s compiler state for REPL evaluations?
if not, this sounds quite misleading to my ears 🙂
Well maybe it is misleading
What that does is to trigger autoreload and all the niceties from figwheel
Does dirac keeps a separate compiler state? If so then I need to change that
is figwheel sidecar running in the same JVM as nREPL server in your setup?
The dirac nrepl server runs from the boot fileset/environment
Actually is not dirac's
It is an nrepl server with figwheel sidecar indeed
ok, what do you see when you run (dirac :status)
in browser REPL
Uhm need to run now but I will try that when I come back
What should I see?
I don’t rememeber exactly, but there is a description about dirac REPL session
and some commands to list/switch compiler states if more avail
including figwheel’s
Ok coo will report back
see the screenshot
Uhm maybe I don't start the sidecar loop..because boot has its own watch actually
So I might still need an additional step - pass state to dirac
Cljs state
I will look into your boot project later today, will investigate the situation
:k running for real now 😀😀
this would be pretty advanced setup, but cool one 🙂
Yeah it is doable, I expose a websocket server so I just need to emulate what figwheel sidecar does
And i am already doing it or the client hud would not work
@richiardiandrea didn’t get too far on my mac:
it looks like you are using some debug api I’m missing here for some reason, don’t have time investigate right now, I’m a first time boot user