Hi, I'm adding Dirac 1.2.13 to an empty Luminus project with +reagent profile. Everything works fine, but (require) fails
I am able to reference the full namespace, but (require) fails with the error in the gist
hmm, this looks like foobar/core.cljs is not on your classpath visible by your nrepl server (with dirac middleware) for some reason
cannot help without seeing the project config, if this is just an empty project, maybe you can commit it into a temporary repo for me to look at
Definitely, I'm suspecting it's a missing directory somewhere in luminus' default profile, let me try one ast time, and if it doesn't work out, I'll upload it somewhere
Ah, yes, fixed, by default, luminus includes only these files at project root :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljc"]
and the cljs directory only comes under cljsbuild
Would be useful if this were added to the FAQ or something for the next person who might encounter this. 😉
Anyway, I fixed it by changing :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljc" "src/cljs"]
Thanks for the good work, @darwin!
I’m glad you got it sorted out, but I’m not going to document this myself, feel free to make a PR with a new FAQ entry