small update on the source maps in node.js
I got the source map inlining patch to the compiler to apply, it was rather easy. and it works.
but for node.js it doesn't solve the source maps not loading issue
it's not a cljs/dirac thing at this point.. its definitly something weird about devtools and node
AFAICT there seems to be 2 "dev tools", the first is the one that loads with <chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?experiments=false&v8only=true&ws=>
The second is loaded by the "Open dedicated DevTools for Node" link in <chrome://inspect>
@ramblurr uploaded a file:
This second, node.js specific one, actually loads source maps when attaching to a remote node process
The first one (which is the one dirac uses/is based on) doesn't load source maps, no matter if they are inline or absolute urls
Ah, and this second one lives at <chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/node_app.html>
I wonder if its possible to make Dirac use that? Not sure how dirac actually works under the hood.