
Dirac v1.7.2 is out: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/releases/tag/v1.7.2
welp 2019-03-08T16:36:12.005700Z

Hello, I'm writing a small utility that communicates with nrepl. I just started, but can't seem to figure it why some repls like repl- y work with ( dirac! :join) but others like parle don't support it. I can't seem to make it work when running some simple nrepl examples using nrepl/client and nrepl/message either. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


@jeffrey.schaefer Hi, I don’t have REPL complexity in my head right now, I’ve hacked on Dirac 2yrs ago and since then I


’ve been only maintaining it


but I’m willing to look at it if you could share some testing repo, or something


dirac! :join was really tested only with leiningen’s REPL by me (which is reply based AFAIK)

welp 2019-03-08T16:43:26.010900Z

i've been trying to read the repl-y source to see if maybe it does something special, but im still new to clojurescript, and even newer to clojure and don't understand a ton of java


I’m afraid that the main complexity will come from REPL/nREPL itself, quite complex stuff especially for a newcomer


what is parle ? I’m not able to google it

welp 2019-03-08T16:45:46.014500Z

oh sorry, it is a node based clojurescript repl

welp 2019-03-08T16:46:02.014700Z


welp 2019-03-08T16:46:17.015200Z

i have more of a js background, so i was using that to test differences with repl-y

welp 2019-03-08T16:47:25.015700Z


I’m trying to recall what is nREPL client actually doing and why it needs bencode 😉


could you try to eval some cljs code after that (dirac! :join)? e.g. (js/console.log "test")


or better something which is specific to the browser context, so we don’t confuse it with node



welp 2019-03-08T17:16:15.021600Z

so ive tried it both directly after and after the return of (dirac! :join)

welp 2019-03-08T17:17:11.022Z


wait, you must be using the same repl connection and session


first you join dirac, this will switch nREPL server to execute your REPL session messages different way, actually compiling them with cljs an dsending them to browser

welp 2019-03-08T17:20:08.025700Z

the repl that im calling this other repl from should be different

welp 2019-03-08T17:20:24.026400Z

but i may not understand what you are saying, and also may have something confused


this last code snippet behaves as expected, when you connect nREPL and try to eval “js/window” it cannot work, because it is complied by clojure - by default you get clojure REPL

welp 2019-03-08T17:20:54.027300Z

so that snippet was a follow up to calling the same code but with (dirac! :join) as the op

welp 2019-03-08T17:21:22.028100Z

i also tried calling (dirac! :join) in the op, with another method calling js/alert in the same op,

welp 2019-03-08T17:21:28.028500Z

not sure if thats what you meant though


but each snippet seems to open a new client connection

welp 2019-03-08T17:21:41.028900Z



I’m not aware of the api you are using, what is this “repl” ns?

welp 2019-03-08T17:22:04.029700Z

oh sorry, let me get some info

welp 2019-03-08T17:22:53.029900Z


welp 2019-03-08T17:23:36.030500Z

the area related to talking to an nrepl programmatically

welp 2019-03-08T17:24:11.031200Z

i was referring to the nrepl.core namespace




try something like this


this will open one client connection and then use it


each new connection will have a separate “session” and is somewhat isolated

welp 2019-03-08T17:32:55.033300Z

ok i tried that and it returned this...


ok, figure out that doall stuff, not sure where to place it


maybe you don’t need it at all


I was following their comment “;; message and client-session all return lazy seqs”

welp 2019-03-08T17:35:47.035600Z

oh i think i see


the first doall on line 2 is likely not needed

welp 2019-03-08T17:36:01.036200Z

this has all been very helpful btw, thank you very much!


repl/message can deal with lazy-seq (whatever it is) :_)