
felipebarros 2017-10-12T19:09:40.000360Z

I need to setup a very simple docker integration into an existing, very small, mostly static project that I'm porting to CLJS. The important thing now is to have it enable REPL driven development, serve the page and watch and reload after changes. Tried searching for a guick start but there is too much noise. Does anybody remember a nice tutorial or guide?

felipebarros 2017-10-12T19:10:23.000049Z

Or maybe have an example Dockerfile? I'm currently using Boot.

felipebarros 2017-10-12T19:11:25.000275Z

I have Docker correctly installed and know the basics but that's it.

gonewest818 2017-10-12T21:24:08.000068Z

Where are you planning to run your editor? Inside docker, or on the host computer?

gonewest818 2017-10-12T21:24:45.000425Z

I don’t know of a specific template but it also depends what you want to do.

felipebarros 2017-10-12T21:26:00.000316Z

@gonewest818 on my host computer.

felipebarros 2017-10-12T21:26:41.000264Z

For now I just want it to serve and refresh html and css and give me an nrepl to connect with Emacs

gonewest818 2017-10-12T21:27:59.000115Z

There’s an unmerged pull request on the modern-cljs project that is attempting to do this… but based on the comments perhaps unfinished…

felipebarros 2017-10-12T21:28:39.000090Z

Wow, thanks for that, I'm actually following modern-cljs.

gonewest818 2017-10-12T21:28:46.000449Z

The comment “I do not know how to link or network two containers” should be easily handled with linking, if that’s the only issue.