lein is not part of clojure -- third party build tool
I generally avoid putting lein in production images
instead opting to make an uberjar -- then build a cut-down image to run it
alpine isn't really officially supported until JDK11 - which comes out in September
Yeah so for me cljs is my aim but I'm using deps.edn so I need clojure
if you use deps.edn the easiest thing is to run the linux installer script within the docker build
that's what's working for me rn https://clojure.org/guides/getting_started#_installation_on_linux
doesn't that suffice for everyone?
(TLDR there was a JDK8 alpine build, then none for JDK9/10, coming officially back for JDK11)
i guess you won't have a repl but why would one need it?
I built something that works
what do you mean? If you have the clojure jar available, you can get a REPL
trying to stretch it and see it breaks
java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main
ah yeah
but the repl via clj
needs rlwrap
right, that's just a convenience for non-brutal terminal interaction
you still have a normal repl by launching clojure
but yeah what i have seems to work so far but I'm not 100% sure yet
(I missed the beginning of this convo: What are you trying to do?)
Trying to get clojure on an alpine image
glibc or musl?
there's a dockerfile in the reply ^
you can get it to 30MB -- I wouldn't recommend Alpine musl JDK, because that limits you to JDK8
but now trying with a base alpine image
I want jdk8 because that's stable
hmm I guess I don't have to hold so tightly to alpine
I have this
FROM alpine:3.8
RUN apk update && apk add nodejs-npm openjdk8 chromium git curl
RUN curl -O <https://download.clojure.org/install/linux-install->
RUN chmod +x linux-install-
RUN ./linux-install-
RUN rm linux-install-
RUN npm install -g yarn
I use jlink
, an official tool to make a smaller JVM
waiting for the build to finish
that seems legit
kinda bloated because I need to do browser tests haha
what's the chromium for?
Worked ok with base clojure:alpine
now trying with alpine:3.8
but image is still not under 100M
which isn't a hard requirement but cool to have
weird how clojure:alpine
doesn't have clojure
yeah they're using a name that sounds official but isn't
there's some circle-CI images that use tools.deps that you can use as inspiration. They're not small though
has clojure
You are just using wrong tag
not listed here https://docs.docker.com/samples/library/clojure/
yeah that list isn't complete
@delaguardo is right
but listed here) https://hub.docker.com/_/clojure/
FROM openjdk:10 as jdk
RUN jlink \
--strip-debug \
--compress=1 \
--vm=server \
--output /tmp/linkedjdk \
--add-modules <http://java.se|java.se>
FROM debian:stretch-slim
COPY --from=jdk /tmp/linkedjdk /jdk/
# This is temporarily necessary as it appears the new OpenJDK TrustStore is incomplete
# Apparently, AWS's Step Function endpoint uses a different signing root than S3
COPY --from=jdk /docker-java-home/lib/security/cacerts /jdk/lib/security/
COPY clojure.jar /app
ENTRYPOINT ["/jdk/bin/java" "-jar" "/app/clojure.jar"]
That's a full glibc jvm with debian for about 120MByou can remove modules and get smaller, but you'll lose some parts of the jdk
hmm I probably don't want that
I could just use clojure:tools-deps-alpine
and save myself the pain of maintaining things
yup ^
I mean I probably don't want to lose parts of the jdk > hmm I probably don't want that
ha it seems tools-deps does what I was doing https://github.com/Quantisan/docker-clojure/blob/e04878d311653b89714e15d8fa8d6081f2c2d773/alpine/tools-deps/Dockerfile#L17
Yes, nothing fancy in there)
ok I can use this
I didn't want fancy
I wonder why they installed rlwrap though
since I assume people won't want a repl 😛
this is nice
they should change ENV to ARG on CLOJURE_VERSION
I wonder why the name tools-deps-alpine
I couldn't have get that via a google search
probably should replace clojure:alpine with this
*they should probably
historically reserved for lein tool not for tools-deps
what does tools deps mean if I may ask?
I was searching google for a lot of things but not tools deps 🙂
the name of the build tool - https://github.com/clojure/tools.deps.alpha
related to deps.edn?
Ok then it's what I want
deps.edn and tools.deps works together only
and if you have a closer look into clojure
executable script you will find something related to tools.deps
hmmm thanks I guess it's what I want because I want to make sure my deps.edn installs succeed