
mkvlr 2020-04-01T16:53:56.000700Z

:thinking_face: 1.40 should be supported, right?

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:06:28.001200Z

maybe the engine is older? this is the version matrix

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:06:45.001500Z


mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:07:34.001700Z


mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:07:43.002Z

this is the latest docker from fedora core os

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:08:08.002500Z

@rahul080327 could this be an issue with docker built from source?

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:10:00.002900Z

not sure, what does docker version say?

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:10:14.003300Z

should show the max supported version

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:10:32.003700Z

also you can pin 1.39 to the client too

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:11:11.004Z

[core@runner-adshe-staging ~]$ docker version
 Version:           18.09.8
 API version:       1.39
 Go version:        go1.13beta1
 Git commit:        0dd43dd
 Built:             Fri Jul 26 03:04:01 2019
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Experimental:      false

  Version:          18.09.8
  API version:      1.39 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.13beta1
  Git commit:       0dd43dd
  Built:            Thu Jul 25 00:00:00 2019
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     true

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:12:17.004400Z

so this is older right? 1.40 is from docker 19

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:12:30.004700Z

yes, but why is it trying 1.40?

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:12:47.005200Z

something going wrong with the version detection?

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:12:48.005300Z

by default it picks up the latest yaml

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:12:55.005600Z


lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:13:04.005900Z

thats not implemented yet unfortunately 😞

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:13:13.006100Z

but it worked for older versions?

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:13:30.006600Z

yeah you can pin the version you want to work with

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:13:45.007100Z

we don’t pin a version, but have still an old version in production and there it works

mkvlr 2020-04-01T17:13:46.007300Z

API version:  1.32

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T17:16:04.007800Z

thats odd, this picks up the latest when nothings specified when making the client

lispyclouds 2020-04-01T19:16:03.009600Z

this is solved. issue was the old version doesnt seem to check the version on the API but the new one does. pinning the version solved it.

πŸ™ 1