
jumar 2020-07-31T20:20:37.129200Z

@kwladyka I know you really want to solve this but it would be good to focus on a single channel at the same time. We discussed this some time ago here on Clojurians and now you also shared this in Java Specialists slack - I responded there; please let's continue discussion there and not split it among different forums. Also try my suggestions to observe detailed memory usage of your process

kwladyka 2020-07-31T22:07:50.129300Z

yes, but this time it is a little different topic. Before it was about cloud run and I thought it was Clojure thing. Now I thought something is wrong and java consume too low memory on my local machine. But it looks like only docker stats doesn’t show right amount of memory which is reserved. At least I think it is like that after all.

kwladyka 2020-07-31T22:10:20.129600Z

doesn’t matter, the problem is unresolved and no chance to figure out this any time soon