anyone think the docstring for is inconsistent with the behaviour of:
(async/chan 100)
#(async/thread (async/>!! %2 %1) (println "put " %1 " once") (async/>!! %2 %1) (println "put " %1 " twice"))
(async/to-chan (range 10)))
docstring specifically says "result(s)" but my reading of the code (and those results) is that af can only reliably place 1 result
“af must close! the channel before returning”
there is at least one pending ticket related to the docs for this
ah! ok apparently I just didn't understand the code when I read it
because you're right, if I close the channels it works as intended. might be helpful for patterns too
so it works, but it's not asynchronous anymore after the first value is put on the channel
(async/chan 100)
(async/>!! %2 %1)
(println "put " %1 " once")
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(async/>!! %2 %1)
(println "put " %1 " twice")
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(async/>!! %2 %1)
(println "put " %1 " thrice")
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(async/close! %2))
(async/to-chan (range 10)))
put put 0 once5
put 4 once
put 1 once
put 2 once
put put 6 9 once
put put put 8 3 once
7 once
put 0 twice
put 0 thrice
put 1 twice
put 1 thrice
put 2 twice
put 2 thrice
put 3 twice
put 3 thrice
put 4 twice
put 4 thrice
put 5 twice
put 5 thrice
put 6 twice
put 6 thrice
put 7 twice
put 7 thrice
put 8 twice
put 8 thrice
put 9 twice
put 9 thrice
or.. it's "asynchronous" but the channels and threads block each other in such a way that things can only happen in sequence
I suppose that's probably necessary for "Outputs will be returned in order relative to the inputs." it's surprising though
it’s necessary for ordering
indeed. I guess pipeline just isn't a great fit here