

Is it possible to trigger an event without input fields like so

{:id :add-current
 :inputs  []
 :outputs [:lines :current]
 :handler (fn [_  _  {:keys [lines current]}]

		  {:lines   (conj lines current)
		   :current {}})}

(domino.core/trigger-events ctx [:add-current])

mafcocinco 2019-11-13T14:39:46.002900Z

@fnumatic did your above code not work? trigger-events was added in 0.2.0, IIRC. The purpose of it was to trigger events manually (as opposed to triggering based on inputs when calling transact). I don't see any reason that add-current would not trigger when making an explicit call to trigger-events, even if there is no input. If that is not working, then it is most likely a bug.


nope, did not work. should i file an issue?