
flowthing 2018-11-20T11:56:14.122500Z

Hmm. Is the example in the README for duct-framework/logger.timbre incorrect or am I missing something?

flowthing 2018-11-20T11:56:31.122800Z

It looks like this:

 {:level    :info
  :appender #ig/ref :duct.logger.timbre/println}

 :duct.logger.timbre/println {}}

flowthing 2018-11-20T11:57:00.123400Z

But I think Timbre expects :appenders {:println #ig/ref :duct.logger.timbre/println} instead.

flowthing 2018-11-20T11:57:43.124100Z

I spent a good while scratching my head wondering why nothing was getting logged, but making that change seemed to fix the issue.