
Ahmed Hassan 2019-06-16T17:35:58.027900Z

@y.khmelevskii What's reason behind this setup?

Ahmed Hassan 2019-06-16T17:40:39.028200Z

I mean pedestal already has router, and why do we need duct here?

y.khmelevskii 2019-06-16T18:33:22.028400Z

@ahmed1hsn I love reitit because it’s data-driven router. I can describe routes in one place and use them on backend and frontend. Also coercion is great! You can read reasons of using reitit in pedestal instead of native pedestal router here https://metosin.github.io/reitit/http/pedestal.html Reitit benchmarks looks awesome too https://github.com/metosin/reitit/blob/master/doc/performance.md About duct. For me it’s great framework with data-driven architecture based on integrant. It’s very easy to describe module dependencies and mock them during tests. And about pedestal, I like interceptors and they very useful for me. I store some logic in their for manage different cases

romain 2019-06-16T18:33:27.028700Z

Oh great! I'll give a look this week but I thank you in advance :)

romain 2019-06-16T18:34:29.028900Z

You tried luminus? I like it but I find it too boilerplate for small project

y.khmelevskii 2019-06-16T18:39:01.029200Z

No, I didn’t use luminus

jeffmad 2019-06-16T23:05:43.032Z

Thank you for this repository. It really helped me understand more about how duct works. This was very generous of you to share your time and skills and I appreciate it a lot. I will try to work on one of the todos.