I'm trying to shift my thinking from an app shared atom
(:db @app)
to using the :duct.module/sql
key. The smallest step to refactor my app to at least "compile" is to switch out a function state/app-db
that used to return the db spec (:db @app)
. How can I evaluate the ig/ref for key :duct.module/sql to get back the db spec? so far I have (ns watchdude.state
(:require [duct.database.sql :as sql]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[taoensso.timbre :as log])
(:import (duct.database.sql Boundary)))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::app-db [_ {:keys [db]}]
(log/info db)
;; (defn app-db [] (:db @app)
(defn app-db "get db spec out of duct.database.sql"
with config.edn :duct.module/sql {:database-url "localhost"}
:watchdude.state/app-db {}