What is your config.edn
? Seems like the record is being called as fn.
That’s what I thought: thanks. I’ll Just need to search for where that’s happening. The stack trace didn’t include anything from my source.
Looking at the code, https://github.com/duct-framework/core/blob/52babf6f0df4846d7e3bf3bc8b16ee47a6898b4c/src/duct/core.clj#L141 it's possible that something that returns the sql boundary isn't placed inside a profile, but on the first level.
It seems that you are using https://github.com/duct-framework/database.sql (that's where the duct.database.sql/Boundary
record is defined). If this is so, make sure :duct.database/sql
key configuration is inside the :duct.profile/base
key configuration, in config.edn
here's the config
{:duct.profile/base {:duct.core/project-ns watchdude
:duct.router/ataraxy {:routes {[:get "/example"] [:watchdude.handler/example]
[:get "/"] [:watchdude.handler/index]}}
[:duct.handler.static/ok :watchdude.handler/index]
{:body {:entries "/entries"}}
:watchdude.handler/example {}}
:duct.database.sql/hikaricp {:jdbc-url "jdbc:<sqlserver://localhost;database=dev>}
:watchdude.state/init {:db #ig/ref :duct.database.sql/hikaricp}...}
Ok, that was it.
{:duct.profile/base {:duct.database.sql {} ...}}