
Danny Almeida 2020-02-23T21:44:11.001600Z

Does anyone know how to run down migrations in production profile ? I'm using duct.migrator.ragtime for running migrations.

teodorlu 2020-02-24T14:15:57.003300Z

So in production, you might write your DROP TABLE ... stuff in an .up.sql-migration. An advantage of that is that you have the full history of your system. If you don't care about the database content, you can allways drop the whole database and migrate from 0.

Danny Almeida 2020-02-24T21:13:37.003700Z

Thank you. Yeah this is not for production use. It's something I'm tryout out to learn the framework. Will try you suggestion

kwrooijen 2020-02-23T22:38:39.002100Z

Also note this PR: https://github.com/duct-framework/docs/pull/6