Hello! I have some problems with set-up example.
lein new duct myapp +site +ataraxy +example +cljs
Generating a new Duct project named myapp...
And the next step is
lein duct setup
'duct' is not a task. See 'lein help'.
What's wrong?
Did you cd into your project?
Omg, no. Now it's working! Thx!😄
Great! Also I suggest running lein ancient in your project. The template is a bit outdated https://github.com/xsc/lein-ancient
Is it possible use duct without lein but with deps.edn?
I'm not sure. Haven't tried it. I know that duct uses a lein middleware to package the duct_hierarchy.edn
file. I don't know if you need that if you don't use it yourself
Mainly this piece of code https://github.com/duct-framework/duct/blob/master/lein-duct/src/lein_duct/plugin.clj
This might have to be "translated" to deps.edn somehow
Specifically when building uberjars
Worst case you can use deps.edn for dependency resolving, and lein for building
My setup is deps.edn . Using a locally modified seancorfield/depstar to get an uberjar. I have not used lein in awhile so might be missing some stuff but developing with a repl seems to be ok
Can U share repo?
I quickly put this https://github.com/Stephen-J/ductdeps together as an example