
rende11 2020-04-25T08:10:00.060200Z

Hello! I have some problems with set-up example.

lein new duct myapp +site +ataraxy +example +cljs
Generating a new Duct project named myapp...

rende11 2020-04-25T08:10:19.060500Z

And the next step is

lein duct setup
'duct' is not a task. See 'lein help'.

rende11 2020-04-25T08:10:30.060800Z

What's wrong?

kwrooijen 2020-04-25T08:11:03.061100Z

Did you cd into your project?

rende11 2020-04-25T08:14:57.061800Z

Omg, no. Now it's working! Thx!😄

🎉 1
kwrooijen 2020-04-25T08:15:52.063Z

Great! Also I suggest running lein ancient in your project. The template is a bit outdated https://github.com/xsc/lein-ancient

rende11 2020-04-25T08:36:15.064300Z

Is it possible use duct without lein but with deps.edn?

kwrooijen 2020-04-25T08:54:33.065500Z

I'm not sure. Haven't tried it. I know that duct uses a lein middleware to package the duct_hierarchy.edn file. I don't know if you need that if you don't use it yourself

kwrooijen 2020-04-25T09:02:41.065800Z

Mainly this piece of code https://github.com/duct-framework/duct/blob/master/lein-duct/src/lein_duct/plugin.clj

kwrooijen 2020-04-25T09:03:01.066300Z

This might have to be "translated" to deps.edn somehow

kwrooijen 2020-04-25T09:03:27.066500Z

Specifically when building uberjars

kwrooijen 2020-04-25T09:05:35.066800Z

Worst case you can use deps.edn for dependency resolving, and lein for building

stevej 2020-04-25T13:42:52.074100Z

My setup is deps.edn . Using a locally modified seancorfield/depstar to get an uberjar. I have not used lein in awhile so might be missing some stuff but developing with a repl seems to be ok

rende11 2020-04-26T11:01:38.074700Z


rende11 2020-04-25T17:02:12.074200Z

Can U share repo?

stevej 2020-04-25T19:26:20.074400Z

I quickly put this https://github.com/Stephen-J/ductdeps together as an example