
walterl 2020-09-23T01:53:34.001200Z

Maybe use something like the update in duct-web-module-hack below to remove the ig/ref to :duct.middleware.web/log-requests from your root handler's :middleware?

(defn read-config
  "Read the duct config"
  (duct/read-config (io/resource "config.edn") readers))

(defn duct-web-module-hack
  "remove these configurations because they contain references to integrant components that we don't actually want to
  use. this is a hack."
  (update config :duct.handler/root dissoc :router :middleware))

(defn prep
  "Convenience fn to prep our app's config"
  [& [profiles]]
  (-> (read-config)
      (duct/prep-config profiles)

iarenaza 2020-09-23T10:41:45.002300Z

@val_waeselynck Add

  {:logger nil}
to your base profile in config.edn (or if you want this only in dev, add it to devn.edn) and it should do it.