
Kira McLean 2020-12-14T21:47:57.050800Z

Hello clojurians.. I have a question about some surprising behaviour in ataraxy, wondering if anyone’s seen it before and/or knows of a workaround. I have a route like

[:get "/path/" thing "/more/stuff"] ^:middleware [:handler/new ^coercer thing]
but both thing and the string "stuff" are being passed to my coercer, which is causing problems.

Kira McLean 2020-12-14T21:49:36.052300Z

Is this configured wrong? Or is that kind of route forbidden? Any insight appreciated 🙂

Kira McLean 2020-12-14T21:56:12.053500Z

Answer: It was configured wrong.. there was another route like this matching first:

[:get "/path/" thing "/more/" other-thing] ^:middleware [:handler/new ^coercer thing ^coercer other-thing]

Kira McLean 2020-12-14T21:56:18.053700Z

this app has a lot of routes!