
greg 2021-06-24T15:19:52.016400Z

Hi, I'm trying to build an uberjar with https://github.com/seancorfield/depstar for duct project. I've encountered a strange behaviour. So I compile project. Compilation goes fine, but when I try to run it I got:

No method in multimethod 'init-key' for dispatch value: :duct.profile/base
This is strange because duct/exec-config should do the job and remove this key in (prep-config) step. It works when I run it from REPL. I'm not talking separate init procedure using integrant.repl. The exactly same code booting the app works fine when running from REPL. Any thoughts what am I missing here?

greg 2021-06-25T13:12:12.017500Z

@kevin.van.rooijen once again thanks for help, I end up using pack.alpha with capsule. @colliderwriter it looks like the original project is dead, so does website. You can access the website by archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20191207104737/http://www.capsule.io/ More on this: https://github.com/juxt/pack.alpha/issues/88 https://github.com/puniverse/capsule/issues/134 TBH would be nice to know that someone is looking after the project. I guess if at some point it becomes incompatible someone pick it up or we move to another solution.

greg 2021-06-25T22:32:45.017900Z

I created a sample repo showing the usage of both • pack+capsule, • lein uberjar + lein-tools-deps. https://github.com/rynkowsg/examples/tree/9a0ee348aba327fe344a357e0c433ebff48b17ac/clojure-duct-uberjar


that's very helpful. thanks .

👍 1
kwrooijen 2021-06-24T15:53:04.016700Z

Might be because you're not using Lein. Maybe this can help: https://github.com/duct-framework/duct/issues/92

greg 2021-06-24T15:56:18.017Z

Oh, yeah, that is the issue


Does anyone know why capsule's site is down and whether that should worry users?