
All things realted to eastwood - the Clojure linter

I guess this is a case where you did not explicitly add metadata to a macro invocation in your code?

gzmask 2018-11-16T00:06:27.019Z

no, it’s an upstream library. This one actually: https://github.com/kumarshantanu/stringer/blob/2faec696bab6fa3b176b3f9de06e5996ebb33e15/src/stringer/core.clj#L96

gzmask 2018-11-16T00:06:37.019400Z

I am trying to monkey patch it with in-ns right now

gzmask 2018-11-16T00:08:05.020Z

Ok I got the patched version. Will submit a PR and hope the author accept :man-shrugging: