I'm trying to write an exception for this kind of situation
#?@(:cljs [goog.string.format])))
which complains about
utils.cljc:1:1: suspicious-expression: import called with 0 args. (import) always returns nil. Perhaps there are misplaced parentheses?
I can't find any example of import
any idea about how to do that?
with something like
{:linter :suspicious-expression
:for-macro 'clojure.core/import
:within-depth 2
:reason "in utils.cljc there is a cljs only import"})
I get a NullPointerExceptioncan I just simply skip one namespace or that's not possible?
I'm surprised the ns spec doesn't fail there
can you not just move the reader conditional outside the import?
#?@(:cljs (:import [goog.string.format]))
not sure if you have control of that code
ah yes sure I can do that
that worked thanks @bronsa
better than adding an exception
even though I'd still like to know why I got a NullPointerException and how I could have written it
yeah definitely, I'm afraid I don't really know how disable-warning
I wrote it, but long enough ago that I don't know why it behaved that way 🙂
Eastwood development for me is a "push back the frontier of exceptions and wrong behavior one onion layer at a time" experience.
that change broke uberjar sadly though @bronsa
[Figwheel] Could not Analyze: nth not supported on this type: Keyword file:/home/circleci/src/cljc/finops_admin/shared/utils.cljc line:1 column:1
I had a typo
#?@(:cljs [(:import goog.string.format)])
hehe ok thanks
@andrea.crotti if you wouldn’t mind filing an issue with the disable-warning thing, I’d be very happy!