hmm trying to get cider repl working in emacs
1 │ ; CIDER 0.8.2 (Java 1.8.0_40, Clojure 1.6.0, nREPL 0.2.6)
2 │ WARNING: The following required nREPL ops are not supported:
3 │ apropos classpath complete eldoc info inspect-start inspect-refresh ins\
pect-pop inspect-push inspect-reset macroexpand ns-list ns-vars resourc\
e stacktrace toggle-trace-var toggle-trace-ns undef
4 │ Please, install (or update) cider-nrepl 0.8.2 and restart CIDER
and my ~/.profiles
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.8.2"]
[lein-pprint "1.1.2"]
[lein-try "0.4.3"]]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]]}
:dev {:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]]}}
any ideas? I removed .m2 and redownloaded all the jars … it removed cider from emacs and installed version 0.8.2
@clojuregeek: Could you try switching to [cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.0-SNAPSHOT”]?
I think the CIDER version that emacs downloads by default is that one.
looking into my list of packages:
cider 0.8.2 installed
I am therefore pretty sure the emacs version is 0.8.2
M-x cider-version
displays CIDER 0.8.2
:s I have no other clues 😞
googling its a common problem.. with no real solution 😭
you could always switch to the latest snapshot, but that also comes with its own surprises...
well thats what I did have … and i had errors too :simple_smile:
clojuregeek: how did you start the repl?
i start my server
lein ring server
Jun 13, 2015 8:36:54 PM com.mchange.v2.log.MLog <clinit>
INFO: MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
Started nREPL server on port 5000
then m-x cider-connect
hmm so the cider nrepl middleware might not be brought in by the lein ring plugin
unfortunately I’m not sure how to fix that, but that’s my best guess as to what’s happening
to work around it, you might define a start
function that starts the server, and just run that from a lein repl
it could basically be the same entry point that you might have in an uberjar/war
i have in project.clj
14 │ :ring {:handler recipe-api.core/handler
15 │ :nrepl {:start? true :port 5000}}
which a friend suggested earlier
hmm yeah I don’t see an easy way to specify middleware - surprised that it doesn’t seem to pull in your user profile, though
ok :simple_smile: thanks … maybe will figure out later, thanks for suggestions
definitely. For a reference, this is what I’ve done in the past:
basically just a namespace I only use in dev, that still allows for reloading of the app logic
cool thanks
for sure
rauh: Alt-Enter - you can always use that when you see the little lightbulb at the left of the editor, that shows an intention of some kind you can execute.
@cfleming: Thanks! That works.
How does cider decide which window to put its ouptut into? At the moment doing something like C-c C-m ends up putting the output into a new buffer in a different window every time... I was using that window. And I don't fully know how to go back to what was in there before
How do I disable Cursive’s comment indentation? By default it puts them way out to the left
danielcompton: Normally it aligns them to the right of the line if there’s any other content
danielcompton: You can stop it doing that by setting the comment alignment column to 0
Cool, I found that one. It might be handy to add to the web docs too, I couldn’t find it by searching. Is that open source too?
The docs, you mean?
Yeah, is it possible for me to edit them or suggest edits @cfleming ?
danielcompton: Not right now, although I’m thinking about opening that up. Creating the screenshots and especially the animations is a little tricky. But it’s a great idea, so I’ll try to figure out a way to make it easier.