@benedek going to upgrade.
Been playing with some of the clj-refactor 1.1.0 stuff in Emacs Live dev packs today -- very impressed! Great work folks!!
Something in CIDER 0.9.1 or the associated stuff has a major hit hit on startup time I think...
n00b emacs question. I see people saving their emacs config on github (etc) - is that just a complete .emacs.d directory?
@seancorfield: thx. feel free to record your startup findings here: https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider-nrepl/issues/218
Will do. Fwiw I'm seeing about 30s vs 8s as well.
someone has to investigate/profile this, but I have a feeling the startup time is an O(n) of the deps that are needed by the REPL
if the startup was way faster in 0.8 it might be something related to the inlined dependencies
I haven’t spent any time on this so far, mostly because you boot the REPL and forget about it
restarts are uncommon and startup time is not critical
@acron: yes, generally this is an entire .emacs.d
Ok, thanks
@acron: See @otfrom’s org based emacs repo https://github.com/otfrom/otfrom-org-emacs I used this as the basis for my one.
I have a Prelude-based config that I am slowly adding to, but yeah, I'm just trying to understand all of emacs' moving parts
Having come from a world of Light Table, Sublime Text and Visual Studio
Emacs is a mythical beast that needs taming :simple_smile:
@acron: Just try to understand it before you ride it, or the beast will break you. 😉
there is something to be said for out of box behavior of lighttable, sublime, and vs
lighttable and sublime (since lighttable kind of mimmic'd sublime) really have the best keybindings
very natural
we need an emacs-natural hehe
@acron I made mistake of learning Clojure and Emacs simultaneously. I think it took me a week to work out how to type in a line of Clojure in Emacs! ❗
@acron: Don’t worry, here you’re among friends (btw, there’s also a special Emacs support group - #C0617A8PQ)
As the author of Prelude I commend your choice of an Emacs setup :simple_smile:
@jwm: after some many years with Emacs, the keybindings of most other apps seems pretty unnatural to me
it’s all about habits
after all many people say that Clojure is foreign & complex, just because it doesn’t look like Algol
A violinist will say playing a violin is natural
What matters imo is intuitive
Others have described it but it goes without saying practice makes perfect
I need plenty more practice hehe
Practicing emacs really pays off, because you can use it for absolutely anything. So it'll stay useful when working on other languages, or even when doing something completely unrelated, like organisation, remote file management, writing prose.
Besides, we have Magit!
tbqh I never got into magit
git-gutter+ is the bomb
but I work between that and a git shell
And you're not the only one.
I've been thinking about doing a screen cast on Magit, to get mor people into it.
(Which is not to say that it's a niche thing, it's probably the most used emacs package.)
Would be happy to throw beer money at you for it 😛
Is there anything you didn't get in particular?
I just have no damn idea what all it does and why I should care
a general tour/sales pitch would be nice
👍 😉
its magic .. you don’t need to know how it works :simple_smile:
Read the fine manual they said. Why would I use this I said. Read the manual they said. I keep using a rock instead.
to read the magit manual you must magit first
CS 352C: dependency management, requires CS 352C
"Maaaagit! You can have anything that you desire..."
Sorry, couldn't resist.