
Discussion about all editors used for Clojure/ClojureScript
borkdude 2015-09-07T08:48:19.000004Z

@cfleming: is there a way to change the color highlight in an unresolved variable?

danielcompton 2015-09-07T09:35:42.000006Z

@borkdude Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts > General

danielcompton 2015-09-07T09:36:12.000007Z

I’m not sure exactly which one you need to change in that list, but there’s plenty of knobs to twiddle there

cfleming 2015-09-07T11:26:19.000008Z

@borkdude: I actually don’t think so, no - it uses the standard warning error scheme right now. A better solution would be to have that colour customisable and default to the existing warning colour. I’m not sure off the top of my head, but I believe this is easy - a tracker issue would be welcome.