
Discussion about all editors used for Clojure/ClojureScript
denik 2016-01-09T13:30:51.000178Z

@colin.yates: I experience odd caching for cljs in intellij w/ Cursive. Each time I do a lein clean or remove/add a dependency I have to restart the editor for changes to take effect. Do you know how to avoid this?

colin.yates 2016-01-09T13:33:27.000179Z

hi @denik, on the rare occasions I feel like shaving that yak I restart IntelliJ as well... You could try asking in #C0744GXCJ or asking the other Colin (who built Cursive) @cfleming :simple_smile:.

colin.yates 2016-01-09T13:33:55.000180Z

@denik, for sure, if you do a lein clean you will need to restart the REPL

denik 2016-01-09T13:34:22.000181Z

Yeah I wouldn’t mind doing it occasionally, but I have to do it all the time.

denik 2016-01-09T13:34:32.000182Z

It’s like intellij does not reload the deps from project clj

denik 2016-01-09T13:35:04.000183Z

so when I add a dep and restart the repl and require it in a file, it break compilation telling me that it does not exist

denik 2016-01-09T13:35:08.000184Z


denik 2016-01-09T13:35:24.000185Z


denik 2016-01-09T13:35:29.000186Z

sorry @colin.yates :simple_smile:

denik 2016-01-09T13:35:42.000187Z

@cfleming: I experience odd caching for cljs in intellij w/ Cursive. Each time I do a lein clean or remove/add a dependency I have to restart the editor for changes to take effect. Do you know how to avoid this?

colin.yates 2016-01-09T13:36:12.000188Z
