Has anyone here gotten flycheck to work with emacs-live?
or for emacs-live to work with elpa?
Also are you guys able to switch namespaces in production grade code using nrepl(cider)?
I keep getting "CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"
urbanslug: there is a #C0617A8PQ channel where you might find more people who can help you with your questions
@otfrom: Due to my clj inexperience I was making a bad call to in-ns
though I've not had that problem when switching namespaces
(in-ns ā<namespace>) not (in-ns <namespace>)
quote macro issues.
I use C-c M-n to switch namespaces in the repl using cider
Wow thanks, let me try that.
and don' t worry about being new. With the size of emacs I'm always finding something new (and I've been using it for 18 years)
(and I still can't type)
haha I meant new to clj
Though Iām also relatively new to emacs
18 years? LOL I feel like a kid.
@otfrom: Do you use emacs-live?
C-c M-n wins!!!!
I did for a while, but not at the moment. I'm using this now https://github.com/otfrom/home-lightsaber-kit
emacs-live is pretty cool. I've gone through a number of emacs configs though, then declare config bankruptcy and do it all over again. I get a bit better each time and learn new tricks (I once had about 6kloc of emacs config, though a lot of that was c++ templates in skeleton-mode)
Jesus, 6k lines of config.
urbanslug: yeah, well, most of the lines were in those skeleton-mode templates. I also had something that generated java classes from horrible oracle stored procedure interfaces. It was a grim time. š