copying from vim-fireplace:
there doesn't seem to be a dedicated vim channel, but it's probably safe to assume people here are vim users -
does anyone use YouCompleteMe?
I have spent days trying to research how to get its autocompletion engine to recognise -
s as word characters - does anyone have a working setup for this?
@djtango: does @noprompt's answer here help?
I saw that before - the patch file doesn't seem to work
the functions in the gist don't appear anywhere in my source code for YouCompleteMe - I'm not sure if the code has since changed - the gist is almost 2 years old
does it work for you?
I don't use the plugin, sorry
ok thanks for researching for me though!
I have replaced YCM with deoplete
looking it up now - is it more lisp friendly?
it has been created for Neovim
hmm, I don't currently have neovim