@bojan.matic: I use neovim. You can script it with clojurescript.
see https://github.com/snoe/nvim-parinfer.js and https://github.com/snoe/clj-refactor.nvim
I tried neovim
it just ignored all my config and plugins
The config file moved 😛
i was lead to believe simply symlinking /.vim to /.nvim would do the trick
nothing happened
Not sure which version you used, but it was moved to XDG_HOME a while back.
oh really?
So my vimrc is ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
i’m on OS X though
XDG_HOME doesn’t seem to be set
According to the issue, looks like a lot of "Unix tools" create .files in the home dir. And some users set those environment variables.
I'd try sticking something basic in that structure in your home dir. See what happens 😛
should be ~/.nvim/init.vim
not picking it up
so annoying
Check out :h vim-differences
oh wait, i’m retarded
I symlinked to ~/.config/.nvim
instead of ~/.config/nvim
plugins are complaining vim doesn’t have python support now
ultisnips and ternjs specifically
what do you use for package management btw? i could never be bothered to use something other than pathogen
I don't know osx, but you need to install the neovim python thing somehow.
but I dislike the submodules
I use vim-plug. Because it's declarative and has async support.
I hear good things about this also https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim
what about neobundle? is dein now recommended over it?
https://github.com/neovim/homebrew-neovim/blob/master/README.md says to check :h python-provider
which uses pip.
I have no idea on the official stance honestly.
Sorry :help provider-python
no help for provider-python 😂
Do you use homebrew? Did you upgrade? 😛 I don't know OS X. Stuff just works on Arch Linux, OSX sounds hard.
stuff didn’t just work on arch linux when i used it 😄
that was 5+ years ago, though
yea i use homebrew, didn’t upgrade since i installed neovim, like, 4 days ago
i managed to read the provider-python help online, so i installed the neovim package and it seems to work
not sure why my nvim install doesn’t have that help section
i did homebrew upgrade too
but it seems plugins just work now…i’ll play around with nvim now, thanks @dominicm
also seems to be faster than vim
at least feels snappier
@bojan.matic: Excellent! There were some patches that went in recently to speed things up.
For some neovim-specific stuff, check out my list of clojure plugins in my .files: https://github.com/SevereOverfl0w/.files/blob/master/nvim/init.vim#L86 (Comments like "extends" are just annotations for myself)
https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim plus https://github.com/SevereOverfl0w/async-clj-omni/ is really good, I think 😉
I write Clojure full-time, and I'm extremely productive with vim, even if I do bitch every now and then 😛
https://github.com/SevereOverfl0w/.files/blob/master/nvim/ftplugin/clojure.vim a few things in here also, like reset for clojure files. I have some new things to add, but time.
nice, thank you!
@dominicm: do you do clojurescript? wondering how well neovim supports something like figwheel repl
There's an open PR for fireplace which adds figwheel
Boot works out of the box
so that’s a no-go for figwheel at this time?