
Discussion about all editors used for Clojure/ClojureScript
pbiggar 2016-07-15T03:34:21.000161Z

I'm trying to write an atom plugin in cljs, and want to write tests like I would in clj (that is, run them from the repl). Anyone have an opinion about how to do this?

pbiggar 2016-07-15T03:37:06.000162Z

(CCing @dvcrn @thheller @jasongilman @cemerick @chrisoakman who seem like people who would have opinions on this)

pbiggar 2016-07-15T05:06:52.000164Z

Current working assumption: something like https://github.com/thheller/shadow-build-example/blob/master/src/dev/build.clj can be serialized and put into atom's jasmine/spec system, and then I use "run package specs" to see them from inside atom

dominicm 2016-07-15T05:50:49.000166Z

https://github.com/justinmk/neovim.github.io/blob/b19dde56caedeb7030e6bed017c4d103fd4715b5/_posts/2016-07-01-newsletter.md This newsletter post is really exciting to me. It's in-progress. But there's so much cool stuff for Neovim now.

jasongilman 2016-07-15T11:37:41.000168Z

@pbiggar: I've never written tests that integrated with Atom before. I've only written clojure.test tests that run against the parts written in cljc. I'm interested in whatever's you're able to get working because I'd like to do the same.