
Discussion about all editors used for Clojure/ClojureScript
roelofw 2016-11-27T17:17:18.000136Z

@ashnur already a answer ?

Aron 2016-11-27T17:17:25.000137Z


roelofw 2016-11-27T17:18:05.000138Z

a answer to your emacs question ?

Aron 2016-11-27T17:18:55.000139Z

i just don't use parinfer now

roelofw 2016-11-27T17:20:09.000140Z

also a solution but I think parinfer can take care that you do not come into problems with parentheses with more complex functions

Aron 2016-11-27T17:37:28.000141Z

that's why i started with that