
Discussion about all editors used for Clojure/ClojureScript
maxp 2018-04-06T04:47:14.000209Z

@pez could you help with such a problem `

maxp 2018-04-06T04:47:18.000037Z

@pez could you help with such a problem `

maxp 2018-04-06T04:49:02.000165Z

@pez could you help with such a problem

(defstate worker
That is defstate from mount and it defines worker. But that var marked red with 'Unable to resolve symbol worker'.

pez 2018-04-06T06:16:17.000078Z

Hello, @maxp. You are running into a limitation of the Joker linter, it doesn't do a full scan of all files and does not recognize defstate (in your case) as a macro. But all is not lost! To get rid of the error messages, add defstate to Joker's list of known macros. Create a .joker file somewhere in the path from the root of your project to where you are using the macro (I prefer to have it in the project root), and add:

{:known-macros [some-ns/defstate]}
Replace some-ns with whatever namespace you are requiring the macro from. Read more about Joker's linter mode here: https://github.com/candid82/joker#linter-mode

pez 2018-04-06T06:25:03.000139Z

There is also a #joker channel, I just realized.

maxp 2018-04-06T07:06:53.000250Z

Thank you. It works.

🤘 1