Has anyone used babashka with source code blocks in Org-mode?
I've only used Leiningen and deps.edn projects, but they both worked https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/org-mode/literate-programming/ I havent tried babashka for anything yet, but would be interested to know how you get on.
RE using CIDER in the context of a lein project - if I add a dependency to a lein project during a running cider session, is there a way for cider to pull in that new dependency without me having to restart? I think the analog in slime / quicklisp would be re-quickloading your local project.
@radicalmatt Unfortunately, no.
You’ll have to restart the REPL server.
That’s as close as we can get currently https://nrepl.org/nrepl/0.7.0/usage/misc.html#_hot_loading_dependencies
It isn't the biggest deal for me yet, it just tripped me up the first time I added a dependency