
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.
kitallis 2020-04-11T07:21:37.054800Z

refactor-nrepl is meant to work with cljs as well right?

kitallis 2020-04-11T08:00:49.055600Z

I’m running a shadowcljs app and I can’t get refactor-nrepl to function (it’s in my lein profiles)

kitallis 2020-04-11T08:01:11.056100Z

oh, wait, there’s no lein in scope here, it’s all shadowcljs

dpsutton 2020-04-11T08:09:15.056900Z

i believe it can work. it you're getting a message that there's no project you can try upgrading your clojure-mode. I think this was updated to include shadow-cljs as a project root

kitallis 2020-04-11T08:21:46.057500Z

I’m getting something like refactor-nrepl middleware is not enabled

dpsutton 2020-04-11T14:46:55.057800Z

how are you starting the project?