Anyone knows what the emacs naming convention is for packages?
I see people doing package--fn or package/fn or package//fn or package-fn
standard i know of is package-fn
for public, package--fn
for private
Hum, oh, I see. The doc said: Use two hyphens to separate prefix and name if the symbol is not meant to be used by other packages.
Anyone has experience publishing a package to MELPA?
And if not, what's the best way prior to being in MELPA to share my package with others? Just a git clone?
@didibus you can just put in a public git repo and there are package managers that allow you to pull a package straight from git.
Like which one?
straight.el ?
I'm trying to see what my Install instructions should be for users
Yea, straight.el, but there is also el-get
In any case, if people want to try out your package, they’ll find a way to do it.
Hum, I guess I would like to provide some easy to follow instructions. I only know for Spacemacs since that's what I use.
I feel not everyone using Emacs would know how to install something not in Melpa
Like me 😝
El-get actually feels pretty nice