
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.

regarding the specific question, the command should be executed from the terminal. iiuc, the intent is to move the uncompressed content, a folder, to a specific location, so if you can do that by other means, using the terminal is not necessary.

👍 1

what practicalli said about out-of-dateness matches my experience though. if you aren't already an emacs user, there are other options too these days.

AE 2020-06-05T01:31:01.363900Z

Thanks so much @jr0cket and @sogaiu I will check those out tonight. I have had an easier time learning clojure and clojurescript than figuring out emacs. Also @jr0cket I recognize your name from the tic tac toe practice project I did, thanks for that!

👍 1
AC 2020-06-05T02:00:29.364300Z

If the mv worked correctly, you should see a list of files if you do this (in terminal): ls ~/.emacs.d/

AE 2020-06-05T02:07:26.364500Z


Cameron 2020-06-05T13:24:35.365200Z

welp, trying doom emacs again, it was ok before but I really love it this time

Cameron 2020-06-05T13:28:24.365300Z

granted, one of the main things I want is pretty superficial; I just like it to look visually polished, since I can typically handle getting the features I want how I want. Every couple of days I spend all day flipping through my emacs themes because there's something off or grating about the appearance for me, like having stray chaotic notes in some of the chords of a song, but I can't quite figure out what it is

Cameron 2020-06-05T13:29:10.365400Z

whatever the case, somehow subtly doom does not seem to have it

Cameron 2020-06-05T13:29:26.365500Z

although I still cannot get satisfied with just one theme ahahaha I'm flipping through them again

naomarik 2020-06-05T14:24:31.366200Z

I've been using doom-vibrant in spacemacs forever now, before it was all darcula.

nmkip 2020-06-05T14:26:47.366800Z

I like doom-tomorrow-night from the doom-themes package

dpsutton 2020-06-05T14:30:39.367400Z

the kaolin themes are quite nice. if outside or want a light theme for a while, kaolin-light is quite nice. and kaolin-temple is a nice dark theme

✔️ 1
nmkip 2020-06-05T14:33:17.367600Z

I'll check them!

practicalli-john 2020-06-05T14:44:07.370Z

I have been using doom-solarized-light for a long time and doom-solarized-dark before I started broadcasting. Just this week I switched to doom-gruvbox-light theme and the doom modeline theme, I like the clean look to the modeline.

practicalli-john 2020-06-08T02:02:14.374100Z

In the themes I have used, the cursor itself is the right Spacemacs colour for the editing state its in (normal, insert, visual, iedit, etc). Depending on the theme used in the modeline icon in the left corner doesnt match the cursor (would like to change that if I find out how). Also the icon doesnt always show the differences between editing modes, especially normal and insert states, so I switched to the ascii view of editing states. I changed a few of the doom theme settings to get something I am happy enough with... https://github.com/practicalli/spacemacs.d/blob/master/init.el#L661-L701

nmkip 2020-06-08T02:57:42.374400Z

This is the theme I'm using right now 😄

nmkip 2020-06-08T02:58:45.374800Z

I'll check the changes you made tomorrow, maybe I'll give doom modeline another chance.

practicalli-john 2020-06-08T15:42:40.375600Z

The doom-gruvbox-light theme with doom modeline theme I use looks like this https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/images/spacemacs-doom-gruvbox-light-theme-examples-home-spacemacs-config.png

hindol 2020-06-05T18:47:02.371100Z

Yep, Solarized Light works best for me as well. I love how soothing it is for my eyes.

nmkip 2020-06-05T21:06:55.371200Z

I liked doom modeline theme, however, if I recall correctly, the cursor color didn't match modeline color and I didn't know how to change it.