
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.
jhacks 2020-07-25T16:00:27.048Z

@iagwanderson I’m using Doom Emacs, which uses https://github.com/Fanael/highlight-numbers for highlighting numbers (not just for clojure)

bartuka 2020-07-25T16:04:17.049700Z

thanks @jhacks. I am creating a custom theme and I wanted to colorize only the numbers, I am using the font-lock-add-keywords for now with a regexp, but seems this is the correct approach. I think I will just rely on highlight-numbers package and change its face inside the theme

bartuka 2020-07-25T16:04:53.050200Z

they already cover lots of corner cases

jhacks 2020-07-25T16:07:54.051400Z

@iagwanderson yeah, it’s a good package, no issues for me so far. Good luck with the theme, I hope you’ll post a link to it here if you’re sharing it