
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.
robert-stuttaford 2020-08-13T08:05:27.103Z

newest cider requires paredit-24, but emacs comes bundled with paredit-22. can anyone point me to a snippet that'll force the correct version of paredit to be installed from melpa, please?

robert-stuttaford 2020-08-13T10:01:16.103200Z

root cause: i had the wrong melpa domain in my package list :face_palm:

borkdude 2020-08-13T15:28:13.103800Z

Does anyone want to share their settings for working with Clojure + Emacs in an iTerm2 terminal?


i think the main problem i have had is the = for expand-region not working properly. similarly the other special characters were problems. here’s an article that seems to cover that https://joppot.info/en/2017/09/12/4056 does that help?

borkdude 2020-08-28T07:30:00.047100Z

@lpanda2014 That does help, thanks!

ericdallo 2020-08-13T15:32:14.103900Z

I use linux and doom-emacs, but maybe something here could help πŸ™‚ https://github.com/ericdallo/dotfiles/blob/master/.doom.d/config.el

borkdude 2020-08-13T15:35:06.104300Z

It's more about key combinations that aren't supported by a terminal natively

borkdude 2020-08-13T15:35:30.104600Z

but thanks for sharing!

ericdallo 2020-08-13T15:37:40.104800Z

Oh I see, I use emacs on GUI as emacs tty always has some bugs
