
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.
borkdude 2020-09-02T12:48:23.001700Z

Does anyone have some experience with running linters remotely using flycheck when in tramp-mode? I'm considering supporting this for clj-kondo: https://github.com/borkdude/flycheck-clj-kondo/issues/9 Any input on this is welcome!


anyone has confs for fulcro guardrails indentation on emacs?



Mitch 2020-09-02T19:09:22.004900Z

I've been thinking it would be nice if there were some boxed configuration available that gave you the right indentation and linting (through lsp or kondo) for common libraries. I bet a lot of us have the same settings for the macros in re-frame, compojure, etc.

dpsutton 2020-09-02T19:17:21.005900Z

make a function that does that. make a repo that has the .lsp/config or clj-kondo config, m-x clojure/set-up-kondo just makes a new file and slurps the common shared one in

Mitch 2020-09-02T19:24:26.008100Z

Yeah, I think it would be very simple to implement. Maybe if I can catch a free day on the upcoming long weekend