
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.

after trying spacemacs and doom i also went back to my own setup, but adopted straight.el (thanks to doom and an ex-doom user). i also try to use use-package. i appreciate the existence of prelude, spacemacs, doom, etc. as they help to show what is possible.

vemv 2020-09-07T11:27:37.036700Z

What's a great package for highlighting the current word? e.g. POINT is over foo which is an arg of the defn that I'm touching I should see all foos within that defn, but ideally not outside the defn. Also it should understand well what the word boundaries are, for clojure :)

dakra 2020-09-07T11:44:35.037400Z

@vemv https://github.com/wolray/symbol-overlay you can (setq symbol-overlay-scope t) if you only want to highlight in the current function scope

vemv 2020-09-07T11:48:53.037600Z

looks ace thanks! nice contributors list

practicalli-john 2020-09-07T11:53:02.037800Z

I use narrowing when working with just a function https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/spacemacs-basics/evil-tools/narrowing.html

vemv 2020-09-07T12:04:42.038Z

nice, appreciate the alternative approach!