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How can I paste code without parinfer rebalancing all parens ?

practicalli-john 2020-12-02T10:16:50.215500Z

Parinfer infers where the parens should go based on the position of characters. So I assume you would have to write an Emacs lisp function to wrap the paste command that disables parinfer, then calls the usual past command and then enables parinfer again. Although I assume parinfer will still update the pasted code at some point, especially if you edit it. I prefer using structured editing as I like to control the structure of my code. I use smartparens in strict mode, it works very well and is unobtrusive https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens


Thanks for the pointers!


I don’t use parinfer, but from the name, it sounds like that’s exactly what it does. You could just turn it off