
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.
vemv 2021-01-25T14:41:22.005300Z

Anyone has a lot of these in iTerm so that his emacs accepts a variety of keybindings smoothly?

vemv 2021-01-25T14:41:26.005400Z

vemv 2021-01-25T14:42:10.006400Z

(I only have a few but suspect that expanding these would be the simplest solution to my keybinding limitations. But don't know where to start)


You are running emacs on macOS system from within iTerm window, such that emacs does not create a separate window, but stays within iTerm?

vemv 2021-01-25T14:47:13.006700Z

correct, I'm using emacsclient lately


There are probably dozens of variations here, and good reasons for each, but I've been running GNU Emacs for Mac OS X https://emacsformacosx.com/ for a while now, so it creates its own separate window from the terminal where I start it, and I believe it supports emacsclient (I don't often use that). If I had any problem getting keystrokes through to it, I may have forgotten what those were now. The biggest change I recall making was in overall Keyboard preferences for the system to check the box labeled "Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys", since I prefer using them that way, which means I have to hold down Fn key when they work as their Mac-specific behaviors (e.g. audio louder/quieter, screen brighter/dimmer)

vemv 2021-01-25T14:53:40.007100Z

Right, I'm used to GUI emacs and it provides a smooth experience including everything related to keybindings :) now I'm assessing emacsclient for a different use case, namely a quick edit of a given file without interrupting my iterm 'flow'. It mostly works fine but the keybindings part is a bit challenging


Certainly the quick-and-dirty options are "keep plugging away at adding bindings manually to cover your common use cases", or "learn to live with less keybindings for quick edits of files" šŸ™‚. Hopefully someone else may have gone down this road and have better suggestions for you.

šŸ™‚ 1

FWIW iā€™m down this road and it is annoying to maintain a robust set of iTerm keybindings for terminal emacs, but it works well for my needs :)