
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.
solf 2021-03-24T00:24:56.029800Z

Anyone with a apple M1 computer here? What emacs do you use? I've tried compiling from source, but it segfaults. I've also downloaded a x86 binary which works okay (kinda slow though), except for magit that takes like 3 seconds for any action.


I do not have an M1-based Mac, but this web site seems more likely to do a good job for Mac builds of Emacs than some others: https://emacsformacosx.com/


You may also want to try MacPorts or Homebrew -- again I do not have an M1-based Mac, so don't know how well those tools support M1's yet, but lots of devs enhancing the build scripts for those things are likely to be early M1 adopters.

solf 2021-03-24T00:49:03.030700Z

The one I have is from that website, I don't know why magit is so slow. Supposedly, that issue was fixed on osx. Macports segfaults during compile for me. As for homebrew... I tried installing from that yesterday, but it failed telling me bad CPU. I later learned that it's because I need to manually install rosetta 2 (x86 emulator), so I think I'll try homebrew again

solf 2021-03-24T00:50:00.030900Z

All in all, this macbook air is kinda cool, but definitely some rough edges to replicate my clojure dev environment


Sorry, bad guesses on my part, sounds like. I am waiting until M1's are out in a bigger screen and memory footprint before I shell out for one, and as a side benefit other devs will hopefully have smoothed things out for me by then 🙂

solf 2021-03-24T00:51:12.031400Z

ahah yeah

solf 2021-03-24T00:53:13.031600Z

I'm also waiting for a bigger screen and ram. Which is why I took a cheap refurbished air model. From what I've seen, macs retain a lot of resell value, so I hope I'll be able to switch without breaking the wallet. Specially if I resell if after coming back to europe (I'm in singapore right now). Macs there seem a good 30% more expensive

AC 2021-03-24T01:27:01.034200Z

I use gnu emacs-27 branch + Mitsuharu Yamamoto’s patches. I had to recently downgrade my version of autoconf to 2.69 because 2.71 caused a sigkill.

AC 2021-03-24T01:28:16.035800Z

I don’t know why yet, but 2.7x has some big changes and rewrites some of the build files. no issues building with 2.71 on my intel macs.

solf 2021-03-24T03:18:12.036Z

ooh thanks, maybe the autoconf was my issue too

Lu 2021-03-24T22:25:37.038500Z

Hello! This one is for the clojure-lsp users. I am running lsp-rename and after writing the new symbol and hitting enter nothing is renamed and I see no error in the messages buffer.. Any idea? Other lsp commands work just fine so not sure what the problem might be

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:26:50.038800Z

Check cloure-lsp logs

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:26:59.039Z

here you have more info where to find it: https://clojure-lsp.github.io/clojure-lsp/troubleshooting/

Lu 2021-03-24T22:27:17.039300Z


Lu 2021-03-24T22:34:26.039500Z

mmm nothing useful I’d say

2021-03-24T22:33:39.628Z <http://Lucios-Mac-mini.homenet.telecomitalia.it|Lucios-Mac-mini.homenet.telecomitalia.it> DEBUG [clojure-lsp.main:?] - :hover 14ms
2021-03-24T22:33:39.631Z <http://Lucios-Mac-mini.homenet.telecomitalia.it|Lucios-Mac-mini.homenet.telecomitalia.it> DEBUG [clojure-lsp.main:?] - :codeAction 18ms
2021-03-24T22:33:43.670Z <http://Lucios-Mac-mini.homenet.telecomitalia.it|Lucios-Mac-mini.homenet.telecomitalia.it> DEBUG [clojure-lsp.main:?] - :rename 4ms

Lu 2021-03-24T22:34:32.039700Z

it just ends with a rename

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:35:44.039900Z

what is your clojure-lsp --version?

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:36:05.040100Z

check emacs clojure-lsp stderr buffer as well

Lu 2021-03-24T22:36:06.040300Z

I literally just got it so

clojure-lsp 2021.03.21-23.29.19
clj-kondo 2021.03.04-SNAPSHOT

Lu 2021-03-24T22:38:47.040500Z

emacs msg and stderr buffers say pretty much nothing.. I wonder If the feature might be conflicting with something else I use

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:39:10.040700Z

I don't know any emacs feature that could conflict with that

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:39:53.040900Z

it could be a lsp-mode issue, to make sure, we need to check client<->server json request/response

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:40:24.041100Z

check lsp-log-io section: https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/troubleshooting/

Lu 2021-03-24T22:41:23.041600Z

hold on I tried in a shadow-cljs project and it worked

Lu 2021-03-24T22:41:49.041800Z

to test that I was initially using a fresh lein project.

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:42:40.042Z

yeah, minimal repros always help to find the issue

Lu 2021-03-24T22:51:43.042200Z

Ok I think I figured it out.. when renaming the project dir I needed to kill and reopen all buffers for clojure-lsp to work properly.. I was getting errors like db being nil or server couldn’t start

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:52:22.042400Z

Hum, probably some kind of out of sync with lsp-mode

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:52:34.042600Z

in those cases, lsp-workspace-restart should fix

Lu 2021-03-24T22:53:37.042800Z

on dir rename I got again the prompt to point to the new project root but maybe something goes wrong.. anyways thanks for getting back so quickly .. it’s really not a common scenario tbh

Lu 2021-03-24T22:53:54.043Z

oh I see haven’t tried that command

ericdallo 2021-03-24T22:54:26.043200Z

glad it works now 🙂

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