
Consider also joining #cider, #lsp and #inf-clojure, where most of the tool-specific discussions are happening.
bartuka 2021-04-19T10:37:25.150300Z

how can I fix this display issue in *cider-error* buffer?

Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   [38;5;32m-- [0m[38;5;45mRouter creation failed
   [0m[38;5;45mNO_SOURCE_FILE:6[0m [38;5;32m--[0m
   [38;5;253mRouter contains conflicting route paths:[0m
I think ansi colors are not properly parsed

bartuka 2021-04-19T10:37:48.150900Z

there is a way to fix it or at least ignore ansi and consider only text?

grazfather 2021-04-19T14:17:40.152200Z

it’s exactly that it’s not doing anything with ansi escape codes. does your error handler add colours? I don’t know how to hide them in emacs, but your exception handler could/should not use colour unless it detects its output writer is a TTY

ericdallo 2021-04-19T14:18:55.152300Z

I'm having the same issue with matcher combinators here: https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/2901

bartuka 2021-04-19T14:22:28.152600Z

oh 😕

bartuka 2021-04-19T14:22:43.152800Z

better to move this to #cider channel

bozhidar 2021-04-19T18:00:02.153400Z

yeah, those make sense in a terminal setting, but I'd never include them in something that's meant to be used programmatically.

bartuka 2021-04-19T22:08:22.154300Z

I can't remember if reitit was raising errors like this before. Will investigate their exception handler

bartuka 2021-04-19T22:12:10.155200Z

looking at the code seems like this is the printing function https://github.com/metosin/reitit/blob/1ab075bd353966636f154ac36ae9b7990efeb008/modules/reitit-core/src/reitit/exception.cljc#L28 and nothing weird pops out

bartuka 2021-04-19T22:13:57.155700Z

and my cider-print-fn is using 'pprintas default