how can I fix this display issue in *cider-error*
Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
[38;5;32m-- [0m[38;5;45mRouter creation failed
[0m[38;5;45mNO_SOURCE_FILE:6[0m [38;5;32m--[0m
[38;5;253mRouter contains conflicting route paths:[0m
I think ansi colors are not properly parsedthere is a way to fix it or at least ignore ansi and consider only text?
it’s exactly that it’s not doing anything with ansi escape codes. does your error handler add colours? I don’t know how to hide them in emacs, but your exception handler could/should not use colour unless it detects its output writer is a TTY
I'm having the same issue with matcher combinators here:
oh 😕
better to move this to #cider channel
yeah, those make sense in a terminal setting, but I'd never include them in something that's meant to be used programmatically.
I can't remember if reitit was raising errors like this before. Will investigate their exception handler
looking at the code seems like this is the printing function and nothing weird pops out
and my cider-print-fn
is using 'pprint
as default
found it, reitit pretty/exception namespace