Hi folks. I’ve been working on vilpy
[1], a fork of lispy
[2], a vi-like paredit.
In regards to Clojure, these are the main differences compared to the original lispy
- Do not inject Clojure code to cider
. lispy
does that for adding some niceties but it gets in the way depending on the project setup.
- Do not rely on internal details from cider
. For evaluation, just use cider-eval*
- Do not assume that cider
is used at all. Supports inf-clojure
Furthermore, In general, vilpy
is less featureful by design. I removed tons of obscure commands and language-specific functions. For more difference, please consult [3].
Feedback is welcome.
[1]: https://github.com/Andre0991/vilpy
[2]: https://github.com/abo-abo/lispy
[3]: https://github.com/Andre0991/vilpy#lispy
Why are you writing a fork? just curious what part of lispy bothered you enough to write your own
(I see the section now)
Have you seen lispyville?
I confess I didn’t understand lispyville
s README when I read it for the first time. It seemed pretty complicated.
After working with vilpy
, I think I would grok it today, but I was always fine using lispy
commands in insert mode and vim commands in normal mode.
(ironically, I’m experimenting with Emacs bindings today anyway.)
But thanks for reminding me, I’ll add a section about lispyville
in the README.
for sure! I happen to hate the lispy minor mode, it’s madness. I use lispyville to basically bind some lispy functions when I am in evil-normal mode. I would be interested to trying yours out. To me navigating sexps, moving them, and slurp/barf are the most important
; Lispyville needs Lispy, but I don't want to ever use the insane lispy-mode
; bindings.
(use-package! lispy)
(use-package! lispyville
:hook ((lisp-mode . lispyville-mode)
(emacs-lisp-mode . lispyville-mode)
(ielm-mode . lispyville-mode)
(scheme-mode . lispyville-mode)
(racket-mode . lispyville-mode)
(hy-mode . lispyville-mode)
(lfe-mode . lispyville-mode)
(dune-mode . lispyville-mode)
(clojure-mode . lispyville-mode)
(fennel-mode . lispyville-mode))
(setq lispyville-key-theme
'((operators normal)
c-w c-u ; Ctrl-w and Ctrl-u are sexp aware
(atom-movement t)
slurp/barf-lispy ; >/< to 'grow' and 'shrink' sexps
additional ; M-j/k to swap atoms forward/back
additional-insert)) ; M-{i,a,o,O} for sexp-aware enter insert
:config (lispyville-set-key-theme))
Got it.
In this case, I guess vilpy
won’t help you much: its minor mode is identical to lispy
s. It’s just ‘vimmier’ in the sense that its keybindings are more vim-like.
In my case, when using evil
, I just got used to staying in insert mode for editing lisps. I tried to avoid normal mode as much as possible since lispy
is generally enough (albeit not familiar or comfortable for one that expects vim).
However, I’ll add in the README one could replicate lispyville
with vilpy
. That would require another package (say a vilpyville
), but creating such package shouldn’t be too difficult: I guess it’s mostly a matter of replacing lispy
with vilpy
and possibly fixing some renamed functions. I don’t have the motivation for doing this right now, but I might try it someday.
Or, better yet, maybe simply aliasing vilpy
functions to the lispy
equivalents would make lispyville
work already.
Cool. Thank you for the explanation. We have a different philosophy here :)