@janne.sauvala Projectile's file logic is pretty straightforward to customize if you are familiar with git as well. Coupling that with directory local variables can be pretty useful. :) https://docs.projectile.mx/projectile/2.2/projects.html#configuring-projectiles-behavior
great that there are ways to config this - I might want to change the defaults in some of my projects. Thanks for the tip! 🙂
what is this nil .
From the (emacs) Directory Variables
info page, it's
> Instead of a mode name, you can
> specify ‘nil’, which means that the alist applies to any mode; or you
> can specify a subdirectory (a string), in which case the alist applies
> to all files in that subdirectory.
Here's an example of a '.dir-locals.el' file:
((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . t)
(fill-column . 80)
(mode . auto-fill)))
(c-mode . ((c-file-style . "BSD")
(subdirs . nil)))
. ((nil . ((change-log-default-name
. "ChangeLog.local"))))))
File and Directory Local Variables are a really cool feature of Emacs, IMHO. :) Read about them and more https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Variables.html
Agreed; learning about them was a nice tip that made customizing a particular project/directory super easy (and allowed me to clean up my init file, to boot).
project.el is also very decent if you're on a recent emacs version