only with js script, something like
as far as I know, the official WebDriver protocol does not ship any functionality for that.
Thanks 🙂
Do you have any experience with remote controlling a headless chrome in Docker? Right now we execute our tests via a boot-clj script. Boot is installed on the server, but we might not want to install headless chrome directly on the server
I might have to build a Docker image with java 8, boot-clj, chromedriver and headless chrome to make this work
Maybe I can only run chromedriver and chrome in Docker?
Yup, works:
docker run --name chromedriver -p 4444:4444 -e CHROMEDRIVER_WHITELISTED_IPS=‘’ --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN robcherry/docker-chromedriver:latest
(def chrome
(-> (eta/create-driver :headless {:host “” :port 4444})
(eta/connect-driver {:host “" :port 4444})))
I’ve tried headless chrome docker in docker several times. It works, but its behaviour becomes strange. Sometimes, it cannot click on links for example
It worth adding it into readme I believe