
borkdude 2017-10-23T12:01:23.000067Z

Is there a way I can get the js/console output?

igrishaev 2017-10-23T12:19:52.000182Z

good point, there are some APIs in webdriver

igrishaev 2017-10-23T12:20:27.000144Z

but I’ve not implemented or tested them yet

borkdude 2017-10-23T13:07:16.000553Z

Where do I find this API? Maybe I can use etaoin.client myself

borkdude 2017-10-23T13:09:34.000173Z

I googled for it, but all I find are pages about selenium

borkdude 2017-10-23T13:13:51.000176Z

oh wait, webdriver is something by Selenium

borkdude 2017-10-23T13:14:25.000034Z

or not, it’s w3c now?

borkdude 2017-10-23T13:53:54.000472Z

hmm, still doesn’t work exactly like I expect it… after the first call it returns an empty array, always

borkdude 2017-10-23T14:00:26.000169Z

ok, I guess it only retrieves the newer errors everytime, that’s ok

borkdude 2017-10-23T14:07:17.000165Z

(def chrome (eta/chrome {:capabilities {:loggingPrefs {:browser “ALL”}}}))
          (eta/go chrome “<“>)
          (client/call chrome :post [:session (:session @chrome) “log”]
                       {:type “browser”}) #_{:sessionId “5290da6788ac528d2f7d21550bf96111”, :status 0, :value [{:level “SEVERE”, :message “<> 242:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: mediaWiki is not defined”, :source “javascript”, :timestamp 1508767605273}]}

borkdude 2017-10-23T14:08:03.000370Z

not sure if adding the capabilities was needed, it works without it too

igrishaev 2017-10-23T14:32:02.000391Z

oh, great! Let me wrap it into an issue

igrishaev 2017-10-23T14:32:31.000766Z

borkdude 2017-10-23T15:04:46.000741Z

Is there a a way to use the API without run-driver? when I connect to Docker it’s already running

borkdude 2017-10-23T15:05:14.000062Z

I still would like to use the rest of the API as is, like the with-chrome macro etc

igrishaev 2017-10-23T15:05:45.000248Z

you should use a combination of create-driver and connect-driver

igrishaev 2017-10-23T15:06:26.000234Z

(or driver-create/connect, I don’t remember).

borkdude 2017-10-23T15:06:49.000323Z

I figured that out, so no macros then

borkdude 2017-10-23T15:07:00.000494Z

I need to disconnect, but not stop the driver, also

igrishaev 2017-10-23T15:07:10.000004Z

yes, right

borkdude 2017-10-23T18:10:16.000419Z

What is a good way to count the amount of elements that may be returned by a query

borkdude 2017-10-23T18:11:34.000200Z

ah, query-all

borkdude 2017-10-23T18:15:58.000076Z


     (count (eta/query-all chrome [{:class “signals-table”}
                                   {:tag “tbody”}
                                   {:tag “tr”}]))))

metametadata 2017-10-23T22:43:09.000004Z

This is what I use to get logs (no additional capabilities needed):

(defn -get-browser-log
  "Retrieves browser log using unofficial WebDriver endpoint. Depends on :loggingPrefs WebDriver capability.

  Example return value:
    [{:level    \"WARNING\"
      :message  \"<http://localhost:5000/js/compiled/frontend/out/app/core.js> 17:8 \"App debug mode is ON.\"\"
      :source   \"console-api\"
      :timestamp 1494439209317} ,,,]

  Empirical knowledge about browser differences:
      Returns all recorded logs.
      Clears log cache (so that the immediate subsequent invocation will return nothing).
      Entries about errors will have SEVERE level.

      Return all recorded logs since the last URL change.
      Does not clear recorded logs on subsequent invocations.
      Entries about errors will have WARNING level, as coded here:
  (e/with-resp driver :post
               [:session (:session @driver) :log] {:type "browser"}
               (:value response)))
I also have this to filter away all network-related errors:
; Chrome:
;   1) It doesn't always provide the full error message.
;   2) It treats all failed network requests as errors, even if they are handled by application (e.g. failed AJAX requests).
; PhantomJS:
;   1) Some JS errors can pass undetected because it stores log entries only since the last URL change.
;   2) It doesn't detect ex-info exceptions.
(defn -logged-errors
  "Parses the provided log and returns all non-network errors."
  [driver log]
  (assert (#{:chrome :phantom} (:type @driver)) (str "getting logs hasn't been checked for browser " (:type @driver)))
  (let [error-level (case (:type @driver)
                      :chrome "SEVERE"
                      :phantom "WARNING")
        all-errors (filter #(= (:level %) error-level) log)]
    (filter #(not= (:source %) "network") all-errors)))