
jwkoelewijn 2017-11-01T09:48:08.000233Z

Hi, question, I checked out tag 0.1.8 and ran lein test, however, it fails immediately on trying to start the geckodriver (which I reinstalled). Even when I remove :firefox from the fixture-browsers (in ns api-test), and run lein test I see multiple errors. Is this expected?

jwkoelewijn 2017-11-01T09:50:29.000173Z

I’m asking because I want to create a PR for with-postmortem while using deftest (deftest ‘eats’ exceptions), my PR rebinds clojure.test/report (recommended method according to clojure.test docs), while keeping the original report fn in an atom. Rebound report fn calls handle-postmortem after which it calls original reporter (in order to keep test summaries etc).

jwkoelewijn 2017-11-01T09:51:47.000044Z

I also have a PR to ‘fix’ a problem I have encountered using the geckodriver (it’s sessionId is not stored at the root of the response map, rather within a :value key). I suspect this is a change in the geckodrivers behavior.

jwkoelewijn 2017-11-01T09:52:41.000214Z

I would like to submit PR’s for these cases, but wanted to make sure I did not break anything, however, the test-suite seems to fail even without my changes

jwkoelewijn 2017-11-01T09:54:08.000205Z

(btw, other question: Do other people experience a delay in the safaridriver? After each (click) I do using safari, I have to add a (wait 0.1) in order to actually see correct pages (without the wait, the page does not appear to have loaded)

igrishaev 2017-11-01T11:42:00.000250Z

@jwkoelewijn regarding the errors you mentioned, the reason is the drivers change every day. So some of the test are outdated.

igrishaev 2017-11-01T11:43:38.000172Z

@jwkoelewijn I think you may test your changes manually in repl. Or add your own test.

jwkoelewijn 2017-11-01T12:13:58.000105Z

I did do some testing in REPL, and seems to work for me. I will create a couple of PR’s then

metametadata 2017-11-01T18:42:49.000283Z

Isn't it the case for any browser? Tests should always wait a bit for page to be loaded, DOM updated etc. before doing something next.